Getting It Right: Working with a Copywriter

Two people working together through notes in some notebooks

Website Copywriting

You want a website that brings in new leads, can sell for you 24/7, and makes you look and sound like the amazing professional you are. When a prospect comes to your website, you want them to feel an immediate connection and know that they’re in the right place.

But trying to write those words yourself is a challenge. What do you say? How do you say it? Should you mention that you’re trustworthy, dependable, and reliable so people know? Your competitors mention it, so maybe you should, too.

You might find yourself browsing other people’s websites for inspiration, seeing what they say and how they talk about what they do. Before you know it, you’ve got 50 tabs open in your browser, hours have passed, and you’re still feeling uncertain.

Your website copy isn’t going to write itself, so you open a Google doc and start writing. As you work through the initial rough draft, you find yourself second-guessing every word choice, re-writing each sentence, and being critical of every word you put down on the page thinking they’re not good enough. 

With the rough draft done, you now need to edit and polish what you’ve written and add a little personality into the copy so it feels more like you. Is the copy compelling enough? Will people buy it? How do I know I got it right?

Wait, what? Do I have to pick images, too? Ugh!

Writing Your Own Website Copy Is Hard

You’ve made a significant investment in your website. It’s not just a digital presence, but a tool that should work for you, building your email list, generating leads, and attracting clients. A well-written website can make all the difference in achieving these goals.

Many business owners face pressure when trying to write their copy themselves. That pressure can be overwhelming, and when overwhelm sets in, procrastination occurs causing delays in your website project.

You need clients to stay in business, but without a website that communicates what you do, who you do it for, and what next steps to take, getting clients is a lot harder.

You want a website that brings in leads 24/7. 

Hiring a copywriter to write your website copy for you will be a massive relief. They can get the mess out of your head and turn it into magic. They ensure your copy communicates everything it needs to, so it can convert the right people, and you won’t have to go through the painful process of doing it yourself ever again! Woot!

Not to mention that a copywriter can also help you:

  • Create your opt-in offer and landing page copy so you can build an email list of people interested in what you do
  • Plan marketing content and blog posts for future clients regularly interacting with your brand and getting to know you
  • Write case studies and portfolio copy so you can build trust with the right people

There’s just one problem…

Most people don’t know how to effectively work with a copywriter and empower them to learn their voice, understand their brand messaging and business, and write copy that resonates deeply with ideal clients.

If you’re thinking of hiring a copywriter, avoid these mistakes and get copy that sounds like you on your best day.

Rushing Through the Intake Form / Initial Interview

I get it, you’re busy, but as a copywriter I need this information. Without it, copywriters can’t do the job you hired them for.  You might feel like you’re being asked the same question over and over, but that’s because your copywriter needs more details. We’re trying to get all the different ways you talk about things, the nuances, and how you approach your business.

These questions help copywriters get up to speed about the intricacies of your business.

Neglecting to Provide Necessary Information

Omitting crucial details about your business, services, target audience, and unique selling propositions makes it incredibly difficult for a copywriter to craft compelling copy that truly represents your brand and speaks to your ideal clients.

A detailed discovery session, comprehensive documentation, and openness to sharing insights about your business are essential. These details ensures that the copywriter has all the necessary information to create copy that not only resonates with your audience but also aligns seamlessly with your brand’s voice and objectives.

The more information and context you provide, the more accurately and effectively your copywriter can communicate your message.

Not Paying Enough Attention to the Initial Content Briefs

At the start of any copywriting project, a clear and detailed brief is created to outline the project requirements, define the target audience, and set goals for what the copy needs to achieve. A good brief also includes information about the tone, style, and overall vision for the copy.

This document is crucial as it guides your copywriter in all their written work. It’s essential to take the time to review and provide feedback on this initial content brief so they can make necessary adjustments before diving into writing.

Expecting Perfection on the First Draft

The copywriting process typically involves multiple rounds of drafts and revisions to get the copy dialed in. The first draft is the one that has the most edits where we make certain that everything is aligned and moving in the right direction. Until you see the first draft, there are certain things that won’t unlock in your brain. Once you see it, you’ll likely have ah-has and input that you might not have thought of during the initial interview.

You need to work with your copywriter by providing detailed feedback, allowing the copywriter to refine the copy over time.

Micromanaging the Copywriter’s Process

You need to trust your copywriter’s expertise and creative process. Each copywriter has their own method when it comes to crafting compelling copy that resonates with your audience.

Trying to control every aspect of the writing process will limit their ability to produce their best work.

While it’s important to provide input and feedback, constantly questioning their technique or asking for frequent updates can disrupt their workflow and creativity. You hired them for their skill and ability to convey your message effectively, and you need to allow them the freedom to do just that.

Failing to Follow the Copywriter’s Process

Processes exist for a reason, to ensure efficiency and maximize the quality of the output. When you sidestep or ignore the established process, it can lead to confusion, missed deadlines, and a final product that falls short of expectations.

During our work together, your copywriter needs you to participate and engage throughout the whole project. We’re not mind readers and we can’t pull information out of thin air or off Google. When you’re asked to provide feedback, please read every single word as if it were the answer to life, the universe, and everything and you don’t want to miss a thing.

Copywriting is an interactive process, and we need your input, knowledge, and perspectives to create the best possible outcomes for your website and business.

Rushing the Process

It feels like with advancements in AI, copywriters should be able to “bang out” copy quickly… but that’s false!

If you want website copy fast with little thought into how it is perceived and how it resonates with your audience and potential clients, sure, rush through it with AI tools.

However, if you want copy that is compelling, persuasive, and positions you as the one and only option for your ideal clients — and you want to stand out and be remembered rather than blend in — your copy needs to be more nuanced and packed with personality than what an AI tool spits out.

Quality copywriting requires time for research, drafting, editing, and revisions. It’s more than just words on a page.

Failing to Understand the Copywriter’s Role

A copywriter is a specialist in crafting persuasive, high-quality copy. They’re not necessarily experts in other areas such as graphic design or web development. While they can provide suggestions and guidance, it’s important to remember that their primary focus is on the written content of your website.

Copywriting Is An Investment And Your Copywriter Is A Partner In Your Success

It is important to treat your collaboration with a copywriter as a true partnership. Your investment goes beyond financials; it’s an investment in your brand’s future and the message you want to share with the world.

When you work with a copywriter, they help you tap into all the thoughts inside your head and transform them into the best version of yourself. When you read back that final version of your copy you’ll say to yourself: ‘Daaaaang, I sound amazing! This is the me that I aspire to be.

Well-written copy has the power to transform casual browsers into loyal customers, making your investment in professional copywriting services invaluable.

If you’ve tried writing your website copy but it felt hard, you didn’t know what to say, and what you wrote didn’t sound as good as you hoped when you read it back, then we should chat.

About Leanne Mitton

Leanne helps small businesses get more people to their websites, then turn those people into new email subscribers, clients, and customers through copywriting and content marketing. If you need help writing your website content or publishing new blog posts that drive results, we should talk.

A red apple standing out in a pile of yellow apples and looking like the best and only choice

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